Club Child Protection Policy

Although Pembrokeshire Ocean Paddlers, the club who runs FBOR, does not currently have any junior members, we host under 18 (U18) events and are therefore required to have a club Child Protection Policy and a designated Child Safeguarding Officer.
Below is the club’s CPP


Policy reviewed on 27th August 2024
Policy due for review 26nd August 2025

PEMBROKESHIRE OCEAN PADDLERS is fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of its members and visiting competitors. All members should show respect and understanding for the rights, safety and welfare of others, and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the Club.

We believe that taking part in Paddlesport should be a positive and enjoyable part of everyone’s lives and to achieve this have adopted the following policy:

  • Club coaches and helpers should follow the Canoe Wales Coaches Code of Conduct and the British Canoeing Code of Ethics.
  • All Club coaches, helpers and officials working with young people should read and adhere to the British Canoeing Child and Vulnerable Groups Protection Policy (adopted by Canoe Wales and all affiliate clubs). The Club will follow the guidance of the policy in the event of any concerns or allegations.
  • The Club will ensure that anyone who meets the eligibly criteria for a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check will not be deployed until a satisfactory check has been returned.
  • All Club members are made aware of the Club and/or Canoe Wales Code of Conduct.
  • The Club will obtain written medical details of young paddlers which will be made known to coaches, where deemed appropriate and/or necessary.
  • Any paddler who coaches for the Club should be an On the Water member of Canoe Wales. The club will encourage and support helpers to gain qualifications and assist coaches to stay updated.
  • The Club will identify a person whose role it is to deal with any issues concerning Safeguarding and Child Protection (Club Safeguarding Officer) and notify this person to all members. Anyone with concerns with respect to the welfare of a child should contact that person. If that person is unavailable they can contact the Canoe Wales Lead Safeguarding Officer.
  • The Club will adopt and regularly review a Health and Safety Policy.
  • The Club will review this Child Protection Policy annually.

Please see the CONTACTS page for the club Child Safeguarding Officer